♥ a duck in a pond is calm and carefree... but what you don't see under the water is the struggling & stressed feet.. what you see is not always what it seems"!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


thats totally how im feeling right now. im being (maybe overly?) optimistic in life right now. mackenzie had her orientation at headstart today, so OF COURSE i only got an hour of sleep and we woke up with 10 minutes to get there, thankfully we only live 3 minutes away by car, but last year? we were walking and it took about 30 minutes to get there sooo yeah. thank you dad for the car! anyways so that was 3 hours ill never get back lol...but it was nice, we are the only 'returning' parents and i had a few ideas to make things a little better, and was able to talk to the parents about making sure that they utilize the parent coordinator there cause she is awesome! poor lady has held me while i just cried about general everyday parenting stress, they helped me get mackenzie potty trained in one week! (awesome!!) and life is good as far as that...then got home, saw i had a message from my mom (yeah the one that raised me lol) and since i havent spoken to her in a few days, i was cautious about calling her back, but it turns out school called, they have a job for me! its temporary, but its a start! 4 days in chicago...huh? how am i supposed to get to chicago?! (again awesome) school is chartering buses to get the graduates down there for these 4 days! aww now i have to be in moms good graces cause i need a babysitter for a couple hours for 2 of those days...thank God shes my mom and of course she will watch mackenzie...so yay! life is going ok for now...seen my doctor today for a little checkup on my status with the medication situation, and he agreed for right now to prescribe a little higher dosage of ambien (thank God) with anthonys agreement that he will monitor the meds to be sure im not abusing them...so just got that filled at walgreens (thank God they know the situation cause of course im not supposed to be out of my prescription for another 2 weeks since the rx was written for 1x a day last month)...so im optimistic right now with a SERIOUS cautious note...cause i saw a bug last night...and if you know me? you KNOW i dont do bugs...i can deal with mighty mouse, and i know thats really weird, cause that little punk mouse was being bold last winter, i mean honestly what kinda mouse do you know that will literally sit staring at you while listening to another mouse trap snap over a baby mouse? but the cat took care of mighty mouse eventually, but i hear them scampering in the walls late at night when i may or may not be in the kitchen in search of a snack...but i digress on that until they are back cause we had to get rid of sassy the cat when we got dumbo, i mean bobby the dog....so we will see how bad that situation gets this winter...but anyways back to the bug. of course my sheltered self really doesnt know much about roaches, but every time i see a 'bug' im certain its a roach and we are being overrun from our house by them within the next ten minutes...and of course i went crazy and may or may not have slept with the light on in bed last night, although i didnt really sleep...anyways through my extensive (seriously skin crawling) research of roaches on the internet today, i have indeed determined that it was NOT a roach after all, since moving the stove and refridgerator and not seeing a single creature stirring, ....well of course see when i am optimistic...sigh my mom just called and informed me she can NOT babysit those 2 days, which honestly i dont understand cause its 2 weeks away, so how do you know you wont be feeling well those days but ok whatever...sigh i cant win...

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