♥ a duck in a pond is calm and carefree... but what you don't see under the water is the struggling & stressed feet.. what you see is not always what it seems"!

Friday, June 04, 2010


so this is a personal blog today...i have been having "lady issues" the last year and a half. that have led me to seek a hysterectomy. i already had my tubes tied in october of 2007, so its not that big of a leap to get the uterus taken out....but theres 1 thing stopping me...and it might seem trivial to alot of people but its serious to me...you see i have three girls and 1 boy...and i somehow got it into my head that one day if one of my kidds couldnt have kids the "natural" way, i wanted to have a nice pretty uterus to house my grandchild in for 9 months....and now im facing the fact that that might not be possible, and its breaking my heart...its not like i can take mackenzie to the dr and tell them, do an ultrasound and check to see all her lady parts are there and whatever ya know?! they would lock my a** up for sure!!! so i have this serious big decision to make and i dont know what to do...im leaning towards letting God handle my kids and potential grandbabies, and just go get the darn thing so i dont have to deal with all this stuff anymore... the dr will leave my ovaries in so i wont be dealing with hormonal issues! :) leave a comment and lemme know what you think...if anyone even reads this darn thing! ugh



  1. i understand were u are coming from. but i say get it done and let god worry about ur girlS HAVin kids. which is a good bit down the road

  2. Oh Tina, as sweet as that idea is, if you are having health issues then you need to take care of them. You have to let God decide if your children are going to have children...you gotta think you wanna be around to meet your grandkids right?? So take care you your health NOW and let God worry about tomorrow....Luv ya. JOJO

  3. thanks guys! through a lot of praying and talking with family, thats exactly what im going to do...oh lord im going to have surgery AGAIN! wth?! haha


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