let me begin by saying, as of right now, im ok...im tired alot but for the most overall part, im OK.
i was having some serious female issues, and since i got my tubes tied in 2007, i cant have any more babies...and i was fine with that...but then last year...well TMI, ill leave it at that...they did an endometrial biopsy about two weeks ago to 'rule everything out' before discussing other options....anywhoo...they called last week thursday...they found cancer...and at first i was all like huh...and kinda stupefied...and huh was kinda my vocabulary of the day...i spent the weekend sleeping...like seriously sleeping...but today was a new day. and im OK. so far the testing they have done has showed that the likelihood of it having spread is slim...so they will do another biopsy this week...and some bloodwork...and then next week i get to sit down with the dr and discuss a hysterectomy!! arent i lucky? hey i can totally look at the bright side to this...NO MORE PERIODS!! EVER!!! hallelujah!!! come on now girls, seriously if you had all the kids you KNOW you want, wouldnt you love someone to eliminate that monthly nuisance?! shooot i know i want it!! just kinda now this way you know?! so...there i wasnt sure i wanted to post it and make it known cause people get all weepy and sh** when you mention that word...but i kinda am a little scared....and my biological clock decided now to kick in high gear...im blessed...im sooo blessed, i was able to bring 4 beautiful children into this f***ed up world...and i love each of them to death...i even appreciate mackenzie just that tinnny bit more cause i had to work hard to get her!! seriously we tried for over a year to get pregnant!! imagine that!! anyways...so there it is...and maybe now i can deal with it and be ok by the time i go under the knife! lol....the plan right now is to remove my uterus and cervix...but they will leave the ovaries so i would not (hopefully) not go through menopause right now...gotta save something for my late 50's or early 60's right? yeah my birthmom is just now starting to experience menopause...soooo yeah haha....its kinda funny that i have a little sister that is younger then two of my kids!!! lmao but thats a story for another day folks!!!
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