♥ a duck in a pond is calm and carefree... but what you don't see under the water is the struggling & stressed feet.. what you see is not always what it seems"!

Monday, July 19, 2010


went to neurologist today. in a nutshell heres the appt.

1. i need to get completely OFF percoset. i am addicted to percoset which means that my body is no longer producing the 'pain relieving' chemicals that it normally would.

2. i am having "rebound headaches". meaning that because of the percoset, a normal person would have a headache, take a pain medicine, and the headache wouldnt come back. however in my case, the percoset wears off in 4-6 hours, and the headache comes back because my body is craving the medicine.

3. he attempted to give me trigger point injections in my neck and shoulder , at which he did one and then i very carefully moved away from him and didnt allow him to touch me again....at which point he was quite upset, cause he thinks im a crackhead whos addicted to percoset and doesnt want to do anything else but take the pills....which he actually said...well maybe he didnt say i was a crackhead...but he did in not so many words....

4. i was sent home with a prescription for lyrica to take daily to try and relieve the pain from my neck and shoulder, and two steroidal creams for the pain....

5. i am also scheduled for physical therapy to make my neck and shoulder muscles stronger....

6. i have been instructed to reduce the stress in my life....hahahahahahahahaha thats funny!

7. i am scheduled to go back to him in three months. at which point i should be completely weaned from the percoset....

so that was my appointment...my shoulder hurts like a *&^%^$ so i am going to go attempt to rest before my meeting at school with financial aid which i am sure will give me a headache...and then class tonight....thats about it for now



  1. I take lyrica...it helps but be careful or it will end up like the percoset! Then you will be a double crackhead addicted to lyrica and percoset and still having headaches.
    All Dr's automatically think your hooked on the opiates with your taking them, then they tend to overlook your real symptoms! *Joanna

  2. joanna - i hear you...and thanks for that...i totally didnt know that about lyrica...in fact i havent even taken it yet...the walgreens bad is still stapled shut...maybe ill leave it that way haha! i hate being addicted to the percoset, but i have serious pain in my back, knees and now my head...i know what you mean about them not looking for other stuff too...he gave me that shot in my shoulder...have to admit, it helped for two days but now today im HURTING again! grrr


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