(i have no idea how to move the picture to the bottom of the post, so read the blog and then youll know what that is up there! lol)
so posting real quick before the percoset kicks in...haha...yeah. i quit drinking but am now taking percoset! oy!! anyways so this mod is over tomorrow! i cant believe i made it one month already into college!! theres a lot of confusion over my college so let me clarify. i am going to a nine month diploma creditation (whatever that word is)for Medical Assistant. i have "mods" - modules - that are a month long. since i go to night classes, im kinda getting short shifted a little. im off fridays (ohhh yeah). so the first two mods are called the White and Black mod. they are kinda the prerequisites so to speak. anyways i started with the white mod. this covered basic anatomy and physiology, touched briefly on medical terminology, communicating with patients, computer skills, some basic english (laugh but can you tell me what a predicate is? ...yep didnt think so!) and CPR certification. We were required to do a test on each section, and a home project. our home project was to create a 3D model of a system in the body and a paper to present to the class. that project was worth 800 points. so we got literally thrown into anatomy first thing. and a week to learn it...technically only 4 days and then a test. needless to say, i thought i had that one and i didnt study as much as i should have, and kinda bombed it. i got a 72%. which is passing but i was mad cause i know i couldve done better if i had studied more. so i studied studied studied and its paid off. i scored 100% on each test after that! whoohoo! and i got ALL 800 points on my project!!! yay!!! so this mod ends tomorrow night after we learn and successfully perform CPR. im nervous but i know its going to be ok cause i have a great teacher. so the perc is kicking in so im going to sign off here before i start posting silly things! haha...will try to find some time tomorrow to post more! goodniters
* check out my 3D model of the female reproductive system
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