sigh ...well thanksgiving went as well as couldve been expected... of course it was very difficult to get through what with all the relatives having all their children and me only having one... the thing is is that i missed her the most after we got home and anthony and i were sitting watching television talking about her and wondering what she ate and where she was...we wonder if she was in florida as that is where her new grandparents are spending the winter or if she was here where she lives....we know she was surrounded by love and thats all that matters is going to be very difficult to get through and i hope i dont end up in the hospitol again....! its a blizzzard out there today, the first one of the season and i am sad cause it reminds me of that fateful night when i made the mistakes i made that changed my life forever.... although i am in much better spirits and physically much better attitude, i still am saddened by the almost identical situation that is occuring today, the snow is coming down hard, we are expected to get 6-10 inches, the baby is cranky and the car isnt working well again....all these things occured almost a year ago in february and it led to me spanking my little angel and getting her taken away....lets just say i have LEARNED my lesson and will not be hitting anyone ever again! its horrible to think of again and i am sad that God has provided such circumstances...once again i am alone as anthony is at work, the baby is in her room i was trying to get her to take a nap but thats not happening haha... i will go get her really is beautiful when it snows, i just wish it didnt remind me of that horrible night! ....well off to get the baby before she cries....later all....hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!